Thursday 16 May 2013

Week 30

This was my last week of Transition Year and I must say, I will miss it! It was great week because I was told by Ms McComish that I am going to be Secretary General of WCDMUN next year. This means I will be in charge of running the conference, which will be an awful lot of work but I'm looking forward to it!
I also did my Irish oral on Monday, which I was not happy with! I was very nervous and when I came out, I was very disappointed in myself because I thought it was awful! However, I got my results back on Thursday and it turns out that I got 92%!! This means I get a 'Fainne Oir' (a gold fainne) on TY Awards evening! I am absolutely delighted with myself and very very surprised!
I also had my singing exam for Grade 4 Classical Singing, which went very well.

Overall, I have loved every minute of Transition Year and I don't think I would have done anything differently. The extra curricular activities that I was involved in definitely made the year for me. Getting involved in everything that I could was paramount to my experience of TY.
It was definitely the most stressful year of my life, especially because of the play, but it was definitely the best year! I have loved challenging myself and doing things that put me out of my comfort zone, two things that I definitely, definitely did this year!

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