Thursday 16 May 2013

Week 26

This was one of the best weeks of Transition Year so far! It was our Outdoor Pursuits week and I enjoyed every single moment of Achill!
It was a really nice break to get away from the city for a week and spend it in the wilderness. My group decided that myself, along with Alex (the other director of High School Musical), wasn't allowed to talk or think about the play for the whole week so it was great to escape from those stresses!
We were split up into sub-groups in Achill and I really bonded with mine on our activities! Some of the other groups didn't mesh very well but mine really did!
The camping was amazing because, although we didn't have tents and had to make shelters out of twigs and moss, it was really authentic and I felt like a proper explorer!
I actually miss Achill and it was definitely the best week so far!

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