Thursday 16 May 2013

Week 23

I wasn't in school much this week because of music and debating. On Monday, I was in the RDS all day, competing in the Feis Ceoil. I was in the Girls' Vocal Solo B Competition (U16 Solo Singing). It was a massive challenge for me, as it was the first competition I had sung solo in outside of Wesley. The fact that it was the national music festival was very intimidating, especially since it was being held in the RDS!
I got Highly Commended which I was delighted with because it was my first year entering the competition and there were over thirty other competitors!
On the Tuesday, I was back at the Feis Ceoil, singing in the Sacred Music competition with Chamber Choir. I was quite disappointed, as we came second and we felt we deserved first because we didn't think the winners were very good. However, it was a great experience and I got the day off school!
On the Wednesday, I was in Griffith College, debating with three other Wesley students in the Law Faculty's Debating Competition. We were debating in teams, different to the usual style of debating in pairs. We had to do two rounds of debate and then we were put forward into the final, which we were delighted with! We ended up coming second, losing the final motion. We were proposing that Ireland is a better place to live than it was 10 years ago, which was a very difficult case to argue!

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