Monday 13 May 2013

Week 20

This week was busy from the outset, with the second round of the Leinster Schools' Debating Competition taking place on Monday. My partner and I got through, meaning we are going to the semi-finals of the competition. I am delighted with this because it is a senior competition so I was competing against Fourth, Fifth and Sixth years!
My Tuesday afternoon was incredibly busy because I had a meeting with all of the Chairs for WCDMUN where I had to brief them, as I am Deputy Head of Chairs for WCDMUN 2013. I then had to run across to the Myles Hall for a Senior Choir rehearsal because we are competing next weekend at the Interschools Music Festival in Wesley. After that, I had a rehearsal for the Les Mis concert in the National Concert Hall, another one following on Thursday.
That weekend was WCDMUN 2013 which was incredible! Stressful, but incredible. I was Deputy Head of Chairs, as well as being the Chair of the Africa Committee. It took place on the Friday evening and all day Saturday. On the Friday, we had the opening ceremony and the beginning of the committee sessions. We debated one resolution that evening and then went to the social, which was a sort of Jazz Cafe. There were performers from all different years in Wesley; Laura Breen, Olly Brooks, Joyce Murphy and I performed, along with Jamie Mathews. It was terrifying but really enjoyable as well.
On the second day, we debated two more resolutions in committee and then went into General Assembly. My committee was so much fun; between people drawing manga pictures of me, to one boy bringing in what looked like the entire sweet section of Tesco to 'bribe' us chairs.
General Assembly was a bit of a rest, as the chairs didn't have to do much work. However, I did, along with the Head of Chairs, Nadia Skelton, help the secretaries by passing notes between delegates.
The weekend was brought to a great finish with the disco on the Friday night.
I enjoyed this WCDMUN more than I have any others and can't wait until next year!

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