Monday 13 May 2013

Week 19

This week, I went on a trip with my music class, along with the fifth year music classes, to the National Concert Hall for a showcase of Mr Nangle's compositions. It was really fun to go on a trip with the music teachers and the fifth years, especially because we were brought there on a wedding bus!
We saw a sound installation that Mr Nangle made and then we saw an interview with him and then we heard a concert of his music, being performed by the RTE Concert Orchestra. It was amazing to see a teacher from Wesley being recognised in such an amazing way!
This week, I also had rehearsals for the concert I am doing in the National Concert Hall with the cast of Les Mis. We are doing a medley of Les Mis songs, along with the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
I am also in the Les Mis choir, who are singing a Gaelic Blessing and Puttin' on the Ritz.

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