Thursday 16 May 2013

Week 30

This was my last week of Transition Year and I must say, I will miss it! It was great week because I was told by Ms McComish that I am going to be Secretary General of WCDMUN next year. This means I will be in charge of running the conference, which will be an awful lot of work but I'm looking forward to it!
I also did my Irish oral on Monday, which I was not happy with! I was very nervous and when I came out, I was very disappointed in myself because I thought it was awful! However, I got my results back on Thursday and it turns out that I got 92%!! This means I get a 'Fainne Oir' (a gold fainne) on TY Awards evening! I am absolutely delighted with myself and very very surprised!
I also had my singing exam for Grade 4 Classical Singing, which went very well.

Overall, I have loved every minute of Transition Year and I don't think I would have done anything differently. The extra curricular activities that I was involved in definitely made the year for me. Getting involved in everything that I could was paramount to my experience of TY.
It was definitely the most stressful year of my life, especially because of the play, but it was definitely the best year! I have loved challenging myself and doing things that put me out of my comfort zone, two things that I definitely, definitely did this year!

Week 29

This week was mostly just winding down from the play on Thursday last. I was also preparing for an audition on Friday. I am auditioning for the Royal Irish Academy of Music, to get singing lessons.
I don't usually get nervous when I'm performing but I was petrified! I had to sing two pieces for my audition and one of them went really well but the other was awful so I don't think I will get in but it was a great experience! I will find out in the next two or three weeks.

Week 28

So this week was showtime! It finally all pulled together and I couldn't be more proud!
They were all amazing and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I was so happy with everyone's performances and I was lucky that I was conducting because it meant I got to sit out the front with the audience. It was funny seeing the show from the audience's point of view. I had heard all of the jokes and had seen all of the dances loads of times so I was used to them but when I was with the audience and they were all laughing, it made me realise how funny some of the scenes were!
The speeches were the best part for me because, although they were very long, they were really heartfelt and I felt like all of mine and Alex's hard work was appreciated! It was a lot of work and stress and I did wonder why I was doing it in a few rehearsals but in the end, it was definitely worth it! I was very proud of all of the cast and crew, and myself, for pulling it off in the end and it was definitely a great thing to have done, for my own personal development.

Week 27

It was back to rehearsals this week with our first Full Run Through of the entire play! It was very, very stressful and I am now very, very worried about the performance. People do know their lines pretty well but they don't know their blocking and some of the dances are awful! The one I'm most worried about is Status Quo which isn't nearly up to scratch!
This week, I also finished my Community Involvement and wrote it all up. I went to my final Comhairle na nOg in the Council Chamber on Thursday and got it signed. I'm glad I have it all done now and I really enjoyed it!

Week 26

This was one of the best weeks of Transition Year so far! It was our Outdoor Pursuits week and I enjoyed every single moment of Achill!
It was a really nice break to get away from the city for a week and spend it in the wilderness. My group decided that myself, along with Alex (the other director of High School Musical), wasn't allowed to talk or think about the play for the whole week so it was great to escape from those stresses!
We were split up into sub-groups in Achill and I really bonded with mine on our activities! Some of the other groups didn't mesh very well but mine really did!
The camping was amazing because, although we didn't have tents and had to make shelters out of twigs and moss, it was really authentic and I felt like a proper explorer!
I actually miss Achill and it was definitely the best week so far!

Week 25

This week was the first week back from Easter and was very busy! I was organising lots of things for High School Musical and in rehearsals every day. I am pretty exhausted because I had SAIMUN for the first half week of Easter and then had High School Musical rehearsals every day of the second week.
It's all coming together now but I'm still very worried about the admin side of things, such as set construction and design and ticket sales!

Week 24

This was the week before the Easter holidays. The week itself was quite uneventful but I was preparing for SAIMUN in the first week of Easter. This was the St. Andrew's International Model United Nations Conference which was being held in the Royal Marine Hotel in Dun Laoighare. I was the ambassador for the Wesley delegation that were representing the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
The conference was four days long and we spent the four days debating resolutions in committees and in General Assembly. I had to make an ambassador's opening speech in front of the 700 delegates and 200 admin staff on the first day which was really fun! I then merged my resolution on data privacy and protection with three other countries. I was put down as the main submitter which meant that I was the main author of the resolution, which was chosen to be debated in my committee, Political 2.
I had to speak in front of my committee of 150 delegates about my resolution and tell them why they should agree with it. As North Korea, I did not think my resolution would be passed, especially since it was about data privacy! But, it was actually passed in the end but, unfortunately, wasn't debated in General Assembly!
It was a great four days and made me even more enthusiastic about MUN.