Saturday 20 October 2012

Week 7

Not much happened this week, it was mostly just loads and loads of Choir rehearsals. I have a massive competition in Drogheda next week with Senior Choir and I also have a competition in November with Chamber Choir so I have been rehearsing like mad for the last few weeks!I was really happy as Ms Balfe told me on Tuesday that I have a solo line in the Chamber Choir song so I'm really excited! We made Spaghetti Carbonara in Home Ec which was delicious and really easy! I had to send out lots of letters to different schools on Monday for Debating to invite schools to participate in the Wesley Shield competition, which I am co-convener of!
On Wednesday we went to Psycho Spaghetti in the Milll Theatre in Dundrum. That was the highlight of the week, it was hilarious and so accurate!
On Thursday I went to my first Comhairle na nÓg meeting in Dun Laoighare It was a bit boring because it was just team bonding exercises but I know it'll get better because they explained to us what Comhairle is about and what they do. We are the Junior County Council for the Dun Laoighre-Rathdown area and we will be discussing youth issues and lobbying the senior county council to address these issues. I was one of two delegates for Wesley that went, along with two observers.
On Sunday I had a really long play rehearsal which didn't go well! We ran through the first act and it was pretty awful but I think it was the kick in the behind we needed and I think everyone will work much harder from now!

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