Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 5

So, lots happened this week! I performed in Vicar St. on Sunday for the 'Urban Mashup' concert. It was so much fun and I felt like a celebrity! I really enjoyed watching the rest of the concert because there were some amazing acts...singers, dancers and musicians.
On Tuesday I had a Senior Choir rehearsal and Ms Doyle told us that we were entering the Choirs for Christmas competition on Lyric FM and we were also performing in St. Patrick's Cathedral and St. Anne's Church. St. Patrick's Cathedral have invited us to sing at one of the Sunday services which means we have to learn all of the choral responses to the creed and the choral version of the Lord's Prayer. I also found out this week that I, as part of the Recording Choir, have got through to the Leinster Regional Final of the All Island School Choir competition. I also found out this week that we were going on a choir trip to Paris in December!!! I am very excited!!!!
I have been taking German classes before school on Fridays because I wanted to take up a second language for my Leaving Cert. I'm finding it really hard but I'm hoping it will get easier in time!!
I had a hockey match on Wednesday which was our first league match against St. Gerard's. I was really disappointed as we lost 2-1!
We also had 'Our Day Out' in town this week. We had to go around town with our class and find places and answer questions. It was very stressful because we kept getting lost but it was so much fun!! I really bonded with my class and had a ball!!
I also got my results back from my Amistad Essay from my slavery module with Mr. Shaw. I got 100%!!!! I couldn't believe it but I am very proud of myself!
I also had a play rehearsal on Sunday which was very tiring! I was in from 11 until 6 with just an hour's break but it was definitely worth it! I was also told that I was 'Onlooker' 1,2,3 AND 4 in The Cart Crash scene so I was happy to be in another scene with some more solo lines!
So a very busy week this week and I'm sure it will just get busier!!

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