Saturday 20 October 2012

Week 6

This week started off with the Founder's Day Service in Wesley. I was singing at it with Chamber Choir, both the Junior and Senior services. We sang 'You Raise Me Up'. It was really fun except I had to sit through the same service twice which was a bit boring!
On Tuesday I had to do a Business presentation on a pretend business. Myself, Anna and Hannah Armitage had a mock business called 'BungaBags'. We had to do a PowerPoint presentation on our business in front of our class and Ms Downer. Our business was a website where you could design your own schoolbag and then we would ship them out to you. We had to score each other's presentation which was fun but I don't know how our presentation was received because we got some pretty gruelling questions from Adam at the end!
I got my results back from my first English Assignment, I got 90%! I am delighted because in the composition section of the assignment I got 40/40 which I was really really happy with!
This week was the beginning of my new Environmental Studies Module, Geography with Mr Lydon. We are doing blogs on the Geography of different things. I am doing a blog on the Geography of Singing which I am really enjoying because I am learning lots about the origins of singing and classical singing technique.
This week I had to do a Poetry reading for English, I read a poem called 'Nightmare'.
This weekend I was at Belvedere Junior Debating Competition for 1st to 3rd Years. I had been invited to be an adjudicator which was a real honour as Belvedere is the biggest Junior Debating competition in the country! It was really fun and I was delighted at the end to be put as Chief Adjudicator in one of the rooms.

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