Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 1

So, I started back at school this week, on my birthday! The first day I was so excited! I was really disappointed with my subject choices at first but then I realised that I had read the notice wrong and I had actually got my top two choices for Personal Interest after all!
We started straight into it and I got homework from the Wednesday onwards. It's really weird being in a different class. My class last year was really close and I don't know anyone in my class particularly well.....well I suppose that's the point of TY, you get to know new people! I'm glad I still have some of the same teachers from last year, it's a bit of familiarity. I'm also happy that I have Ms Spicer as my tutor, I was hoping for her or Mr Kirwan.
Not much really happened this week because it was the first week back but Ms Doyle has put up the sign-up sheet for the Senior Choir auditions so I'm really looking forward to auditioning on Monday!

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