Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 4

I performed in the National Concert Hall with Senior Choir on Monday. It was amazing but we had to stand on a staircase and I nearly fell off! We also have our performance in Vicar St. this Sunday so I have been in choir rehearsals all week! I have also been super-busy with the play! I am super-busy all round at the moment but that's the way I like it!
I got my first English Assignment back on Friday and I was delighted! I got 90% overall so I am really happy with that. We also made eclairs in Home Ec on Friday and we had P.E. where we did dance. So overall, Friday was a pretty great day!
It was Bullying Awareness week so we had lots of different skits and videos in Assembly and in Tutor. I think Bullying Awareness is really important in our school and I think it really does make a difference!
We have moved maths classes this week and I'm now in Mr Hosford's class, he's a really good teacher so I'm happy and I'm in a slower-paced class so I can keep up better than I could before!

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