Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 3

Well I got into the play! I am playing the role of the Old Woman...I certainly hope it's not typecast!
I was happy to get a named part because my callback went really really badly! I'm really enjoying all the rehearsals and I have a big one on Sunday! My first English assignment is due on Monday, it's the memoir assignment and I'm nearly finished.
But the main news this week.....JUNIOR CERT RESULTS!!! I couldn't quite believe it when I opened the envelope. It took me a good ten minutes to actually open it, it probably would have taken even longer if Mr Woods hadn't come over and told me to open it! I started crying when I saw my maths result because I was so amazed (yes, in front of Mr Woods-it was very embarrassing) and I still think they marked it wrong. I got 7 As and 4 Bs. I am a little disappointed about my History result because I thought I would get an A so Mr Petrie has told me to get it re-checked. I might as well!
Bonding Day was brilliant! We went up Ticknock Mountain! It was very steep and difficult in some parts but the games were really fun and I really bonded with my new class. I was a bit nervous at first with my new class because I didn't know anyone that well but that's definitely changed now! There are some pictures below of the day and also a video of one of the games we played!

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