Wednesday 3 October 2012

Week 2

I got into Senior Choir!
This is the highlight of my week! I really didn't think I would because my audition went really badly but I scraped through and I'm delighted!
The musical was announced this week as well, Les Miserables....I must admit I've never seen it but I'm still going to audition, I've being looking forward to doing the musical since I was in Sixth Class and watched my sister in Grease.
I've started back at most things now, Debating started on Monday and I have already started organising the Wesley Shield. I was elected co-convener of the senior debating competition 2013 last year so I have my work cut out for me! I also started back at hockey, I'm the goalkeeper for the Junior As this year. Hockey is not my favourite thing to do but I think it's important to keep fit so I train on Thursdays and play matches. Dr. Heaney is great, he understands that I have lots of other commitments that I prioritise over hockey.
I have also started back with Chamber Choir. Ms Balfe has started us working already as we have a concert in Vicar St. on the 23rd of September. I have also started Senior Choir rehearsals which are so much fun, and we get tea and biscuits which is always good!
I have also started back at the Amnesty Society on Monday mornings with Ms Cooke, we had a strategy meeting to decide which campaigns we would be focusing on this year.
Mr Shaw also talked to us this week about Gaisce and I handed my form in on Friday. I really want to get my bronze award this year!
Still not much to report academically, we're just getting our assignments now. Mr McMonagle has given us the list of English assignments for this year....there are 12!!! I'm a bit nervous about it but I think if I just stay on top of them it will be grand.

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