Saturday 26 January 2013

Week 9

This was probably my busiest week yet because it was the week of my first Work Experience. I was working in the Criminal Courts of Justice in Parkgate Street with Martina Baxter and Barry Murphy. This was extremely interesting but very tiring as I was sitting in on court cases which was quite mentally draining.I was then at play rehearsals each night as Les Mis is coming swiftly down the tracks. I was only there for four out of the five says because on the Friday I went to Sligo with Chamber Choir. We were competing in the Sligo International Music Festival. We sang firstly at the Founder's Day service, followed by a Senior Choir rehearsal. We then got on the bus and drove off to Sligo, where we were awarded second place, narrowly losing out to Presentation College, Kilkenny. I had lots of fun on the trip because there is quite a large crossover between the people in Senior Choir, Chamber Choir and Les Miserables and I love getting to know all the people in other years who have mutual interests with me.
On the Saturday, I had the first dress rehearsal for Les Mis. This wasn't the official dress rehearsal but it was the last run through we have until the dress rehearsal in front of an audience.
Sunday was a very important day and a great end to the 9th week of term. I travelled up to Belfast with Senior Choir. We were competing in the All Island School Choir of the Year Competition Final in the Titanic Centre Belfast. It was an amazing experience and I really enjoyed being the challenging and bustling environment of a television production. We came second overall to Wesley's sister school Methodist College Belfast but I wasn't that disappointed as we had performed the songs the best we had ever done and I had really enjoyed the day in Belfast. The bus journey home was the best part as we all sang songs and ate chocolate on the way back to Wesley!!

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