Saturday 26 January 2013

Week 10

After my busy week, and indeed weekend, the stress didn't let up as this week was the week of Les Miserables. We had our Dress Rehearsal on the Monday, straight after the Belfast trip the evening before. This was in front of a paying audience form various local primary schools. It was so much fun performing in front of a live audience and  I loved the buzz backstage and the costumes. We had the proper performances on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday which were all incredible. I also had a Legal Studies trip to the Criminal Courts of Justice on the Thursday. It was a bit of a disappointment because the cases weren't as good as they had been when I was in the courts for Work Experience but it was still a fun trip.
Nadia and I then rushed back from the courts to Wesley to get into our costumes for the second performance of Les Mis. The first two nights were a huge success and, despite the small mishap of the fire alarm going off and the building being evacuated, closing night was brilliant too. The best part of the week, however was the cast party on Friday night. It was great to be able to talk to the other members of the cast in a more relaxed and less stressful environment!
Week 10 was ended with the Kicoole Music Festival on the Sunday. I competed in two competitions, one with Senior Choir and the other with Chamber Choir, both of which we won!

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