Sunday 24 March 2013

Week 16

This was the first week back after the Christmas Holidays so it was quite a calm week. On the Monday I had Amnesty and Debating, as per usual and on Tuesday I had Senior Choir. Wednesday was a big day because I had trials for the Oxford University Schools Debating Competition. Unfortunately, I was not one of the two teams that made it through but it was great experience and I really enjoyed it a lot.
It was a pretty normal week and I was just getting things ready for the TY Play. After posting the Cast List, it was difficult to face my friends who didn't get the parts they'd wanted and it was definitely a challenge to remain professional but I managed to just focus on the organising of the play.
I had a meeting with our staff supervisor, Mr Wallace on Friday and it was great to finally get some plans laid down, it was exciting to finally feel like the play is going ahead!

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