Sunday 24 March 2013

Week 17

This week was very busy because it was the week of the Wesley Shield Debating Competition for which I am convener. There was a lot of preparation to be done, such as organising rooms, food and a reception for our special guest. On Wednesday, however, I had an evening off from organising because I went, along with the cast of Les Mis, to see the new Les Mis film in Dundrum. It was an incredible film and seeing it with the cast made it all the more atmospheric. I really am missing rehearsals and the cast so going out to see the film with all of them was a nice little reunion.
This weekend was one of the most stressful two days of my life! The Wesley Shield was on Friday and Saturday and we had sixteen teams of two speakers from over twelve different schools from Dublin, Cork and Wexford. I was in charge of running the competition, adjudicating some of the rooms and I also had to come up with the motions for the four rounds of debate.
It was very challenging and stressful to try and run such a large competition, especially because the snow meant a lot of teams cancelled, but it was definitely a positive experience. On the Saturday I also had the pleasuring of welcoming the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter to chair the final of the Wesley Shield. I had to meet him at the front steps of the school and bring him to a reception with Mr Woods and Mr Bredin and then I had to sit with him in the final and tell him what to say.
I was exhausted by the end but it was definitely a good experience and, although it was definitely stressful, it was loads of fun!

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